Results for 'Gabriel Felipe Vallejos Baccelliere'

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  1. Problemas contemporáneos en la filosofía de la bioquímica.Gabriel Felipe Vallejos Baccelliere - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (1):45-77.
    Si bien en la filosofía de las ciencias ya se han explorado algunos ejemplos provenientes de la bioquímica como casos de estudio, la filosofía de la bioquímica es una subdisciplina naciente. En este artículo estudiaremos dos problemas filosóficos de relevancia contemporánea en esta ciencia. Por un lado, examinaremos las bases epistemológicas del problema del plegamiento de proteínas. En particular lo relacionado con la predicción de la estructura tridimensional de las proteínas a partir de su secuencia, asunto que ha dado mucho (...)
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    Searching for Protein Folding Mechanisms: On the Insoluble Contrast Between Thermodynamic and Kinetic Explanatory Approaches.Gabriel Vallejos-Baccelliere & Davide Vecchi - 2023 - In João L. Cordovil, Gil Santos & Davide Vecchi, New Mechanism Explanation, Emergence and Reduction. Springer. pp. 109-137.
    The protein folding problem is one of the foundational problems of biochemistry and it is still considered unsolved. It basically consists of two main questions: what are the factors determining the stability of the protein’s native structure and how does the protein acquire it starting from an unfolded state. Since its first formulation, two main explanatory approaches have dominated the field of protein folding research: a thermodynamic approach focused on energetic features and a kinetic approach focused on the temporal development (...)
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    Alcances metodológicos para el estudio Del mundo de la Vida diaria, desde la propuesta de Alfred schütz.Felipe Sáez Ardura & Arturo Vallejos-Romero - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:333-342.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo intenta analizar los elementos críticos a la base de aquella suerte de prescripción que Edward Said formulara a los intelectuales bajo la célebre consigna de “decir las verdades al poder”, esto es, de interpelar públicamente al poder -político, económico, religioso, militar- frente a toda evidencia de injusticia, inconsistencia o turbia manipulación en su operar. En tanto tal, y a partir de nuestra lectura de Said, delimitamos cinco dilemas que el intelectual ha de resolver, en tanto requisitos (...)
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    Hegel contra De Finetti.Gabriel Felipe Solano Iglesias - 2021 - Studia Hegeliana 7:103-124.
    Resumen: La teoría de probabilidad rara vez diferencia su concepto de su determinabilidad cuantitativa. Para definir su objeto, ésta comienza por la exposición abstracta de la probabilidad y sus determinaciones o bien referidas a la esfera del ser, o bien a la esfera del pensar. Este estudio pretende, siguiendo el automovimiento de estas determinaciones en la Lógica, criticar la limitación de ambas proposiciones y presentar una concepción especulativa del fenómeno probabilístico.
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    A relational-constructionist account of protein macrostructure and function.Gil Santos, Gabriel Vallejos & Davide Vecchi - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):363-382.
    One of the foundational problems of biochemistry concerns the conceptualisation of the relationship between the composition, structure and function of macromolecules like proteins. Part of the recent philosophical literature displays a reductionist bias, that is, the endorsement of a form of microstructuralism mirroring an out-dated biochemical conceptualisation. We shall argue that such microstructuralist approaches are ultimately committed to a potentialist form of micro-predeterminism whereby the macrostructure and function of proteins is accounted for solely in terms of the intrinsic properties and (...)
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    Model Emotional Codes and Decision Making.Luz Maribel Vallejo-Chávez, Juan Arnulfo Carrasco-Pérez, María Fernanda Miranda-Salazar & Alvaro Gabriel Benítez Bravo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:221-235.
    This research presents a model of Emotional Codes (EC) that influence the processes of choice, decision and action in clients. The model represents a sequence of steps to follow to identify the EC. (i) Identify the problem. (ii) Recognize the emotion (how) see Table 3. (iii) Identify the reason. (because); and (iv) Identify the emotional code (What) see Table 2. In addition, results obtained from theses and articles that demonstrate the use of emotional codes are presented. It is concluded that (...)
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  7. O crime de lavagem de dinheiro nas organizações religiosas.Felipe Gabriel da Silva Alvares & Tiago Teixeira Coelho - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    A ética da revolta de Albert Camus e o ato de jogar.Gabriel Orenga Sandoval, Lucas Leonardo, Luis Felipe Nogueira Silva & Alcides José Scaglia - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (129).
    O jogo é entendido enquanto um fenômeno complexo, em que a ação do jogador se caracteriza pela eticidade, uma vez que, além de expressar sua subjetividade, visa à boa vida (no caso do jogo, o prazer e a vitória). Assim, o caráter ético da ação do jogador se constitui em um ambiente de jogo, local que a imprevisibilidade, a dinâmica e as novas organizações estão presentes. Dessa maneira, faz parte da função do jogador compreender o ambiente em que ele se (...)
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    En la jubilación del prof. Dr Gabriel Pérez Rodríguez.Felipe F. Ramos - 1996 - Salmanticensis 43 (1):7-13.
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    Pensadores peruanos.Luís Felipe Alarco - 1952 - Lima,: Tip. Santa Rosa.
    Hipólito Unanue. Bartolomé Herrera. Manuel González Prada. José de la Riva Agüero. José Carlos Mariátegui César Vallejo.
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    Referencia bibliográfica de Fray Carlos Amigo Vallejo.Carlos Amigo Vallejo - 2023 - Isidorianum 16 (32-33):25-29.
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  12. La vida religiosa: pasado, presente y futuro, según el magisterio de Benedicto XVI.Carlos Amigo Vallejo - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48 (147):593-605.
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  13. Navigating Uncertainty: Agility, Data, and Sustainability as Drivers of Business Resilience.Carlos Arturo Hoyos-Vallejo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1924-1942.
    This study examines how businesses manage uncertainty through a combination of emerging technologies, organizational agility, and sustainability practices. Using an integrative literature review and case studies across global regions, the research identifies strategies that enhance decision-making and resilience in volatile environments. The study draws on Dynamic Capabilities Theory and Organisational Information Processing Theory to analyze how companies leverage Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain to navigate uncertainty while ensuring ethical standards. Key findings suggest that firms that adopt flexible organizational (...)
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  14. Derechos humanos y libertad religiosa.Cardenal Carlos Amigo Vallejo - 2011 - Verdad y Vida 69 (259):293-304.
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    Deliberación democrática y razones religiosas: objeciones y desafíos.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2012 - Co-herencia 9 (16):81-117.
    Este artículo aborda el estudio de algunos de los problemas que presenta la religión en las democracias contemporáneas y, más específicamente, las aporías políticas que suscita la participación de los creyentes en el debate público. Para desarrollar la temática, el texto se divide en dos partes: en la primera, se exponen las objeciones que, en las democracias seculares se le presentan al discurso religioso. En la segunda, se identifican algunos tópicos teóricos que deben asumir los creyentes si quieren que dicho (...)
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    Conhecimento testemunhal – A visão não reducionista.Felipe de Mattos Müller - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (2):126-143.
    In this essay we consider the possibility of knowledge being transferred or transmitted via testimony. Initially, we present an introduction to the epistemology of testimony, by indicating their origin in a tradition that has John Locke, David Hume and Thomas Reid as their representatives. We present a version of the non-reductionist thesis. We show that the non-reductionist about knowledge must request from the speaker a testimonial epistemic performance that is truth conductive, as well as intellectual integrity from the listener.
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  17. (2022) Gabriel Vacariu - Memorandum: Why I have had the worst promotion at my faculty/department of philosophy (Bucharest University, Romania) since I have had the best CV among my colleagues?Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    Me, Gabriel Vacariu, professor at Department of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest University, Romania, I declare that I have had the worst promotion during my entire career at this department even if I have had the best CV during my career (since 1998). With this memorandum, I want to find the criteria for the promotion at my department and faculty (from Bucharest University). From what I know, my promotion depends on the will of the chief of the department (...)
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  18. Gabriel Vacariu (2020) Unbelievable similarities - selected authors (Sean Carroll, Frank Wilczek, Carlo Rovelli, Kastner, Kauffman et all, Lee Somlin, Markus Gabriel).Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    Gabriel Vacariu (2020) Unbelievable similarities - selected authors (Sean Carroll, Frank Wilczek, Carlo Rovelli, Kastner, Kauffman et all, Lee Somlin, Markus Gabriel) from much bigger manuscript (Gabriel Vacariu, (June 2020 to 2014) The UNBELIEVABLE SIMILARITIES between the ideas of some people (2011-2016) and my ideas (2002-2008) in physics (quantum mechanics, cosmology), cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and philosophy (this manuscript would require a REVOLUTION in international academy environment!) here -/- (During last 4 years, I have sent this (...)
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  19. Franciscanismo y nueva evangelizacion.C. Amigo Vallejo - 1991 - Verdad y Vida 49 (193):7-31.
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    Um tipo de justiça infalível: a Justiça Eterna.Felipe Dos Santos Durante - 2010 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1 (1):116.
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    La necesidad de una nueva fundamentación del derecho.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2006 - Escritos 14 (32):126-155.
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  22. Cuestiones básicas del derecho penal.Manuel Jaen Vallejo - 1999 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Abaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
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    A Peircean perspective on human voice: the semiotic nonagon of the uses of voice.Juan Pablo Llobet Vallejos & Pablo Antonio Stocco - 2019 - Cognitio 19 (2):258-269.
    La voz humana es un fenómeno ampliamente estudiado desde una gran variedad de disciplinas, desde las especialidades de la medicina hasta las artes. Aunque esta situación resulta enriquecedora, la multiplicidad de perspectivas ha conspirado contra la formulación de una concepción única de la voz y de un sistema lógico que pueda ayudar a entender los fenómenos asociados con ella en términos más generales, enfatizando continuidades y relaciones en lugar de requerir cada vez una definición del objeto de estudio de acuerdo (...)
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    La mujer en la escultura. Cuerpo y símbolo.Javier Morales Vallejo - 2001 - Arbor 168 (663):379-388.
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  25. (2018) Gabriel Vacariu (Philosophy, University of Bucharest) 92018), ‘Section July 2018: UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas with my ideas (2002-2008) of these authors: Oreste M. Fiocco (forthcoming); Baptiste Le Bihan (University of Geneva, forthcoming); Antonella Mallozzi (The Graduate Center – CUNY, forthcoming in Synthese, penultimate draft); Erik C. Banks (Wright State University, 2014); Sami Pihlström (2009).Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    (2018) Gabriel Vacariu (Philosophy, University of Bucharest) 92018), ‘Section July 2018: UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas with my ideas (2002-2008) of these authors: Oreste M. Fiocco (forthcoming); Baptiste Le Bihan (University of Geneva, forthcoming); Antonella Mallozzi (The Graduate Center – CUNY, forthcoming in Synthese, penultimate draft); Erik C. Banks (Wright State University, 2014); Sami Pihlström (2009) -/- [I investigated these works in July 2018: In this section, I will include only paragraphs from various articles or books written by different persons. These (...)
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    Analytical Fuzzy Predictive Control Applied to Wastewater Treatment Biological Processes.Pedro M. Vallejo LLamas & Pastora Vega - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-29.
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    Dworkin and Religious Beliefs as a Right to Ethical Independence.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (183):253-255.
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  28. Editora Invitada.Belen Vallejo - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (1).
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  29. El misterio del tiempo.Joaquín Vallejo Arbeláez - 1977 - [Bogotá: Plaza & Janes].
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    La rebelión de un burgués: Estanislao Zuleta, su vida.Jorge Vallejo Morillo - 2006 - Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma.
    CONTENIDO: El entierro - El padre - Otro padre - La montaña mágica - Los amigos - Bucarest - En Sumapáz - Yolanda - Cali - Medellín - Freud - Doctorado Honoris Causa - Los derechos humanos - La angustia.
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    Peirce.Guido Vallejos - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 5.
    Se hace en este ensayo una propuesta de interpretación para la versión específica del pragmatismo propuesta por Peirce, ya que su conexión con el realismo tiene ciertas consecuencias que podrían llevar una revisión radical de la frecuente adscripción de Peirce o bien al holismo de la confirm..
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  32. Recursos de la divulgación científica en la literatura para niños: Construcción verbal y visual del disparate.Patricia Vallejos & Daniela Palmucci - 2011 - Anclajes 15 (2):79 - 102.
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    Making trade-offs: A probabilistic and context-sensitive model of choice behavior.Claudia González-Vallejo - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (1):137-155.
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  34. Arbitrariedad y posibilidad de alteración de lenguajes en Wittgenstein.Felipe Castañeda - 2002 - Ideas Y Valores 51 (118):57-77.
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  35. Contribución de Michel Foucault al postmodernismo: notas para el debate nietzscheanismo versus marxismo.José Luis Castilla Vallejo - 2000 - Laguna 7:209-219.
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    Observación, comunicación Y lenguaje.Roberto Castillo Vallejos - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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    El cuerpo como posibilidad de la Vida: El modo de despliegue Del mundo concreto.Felipe Johnson - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 33:115-130.
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    Arché philosophia: algumas reflexões sobre o caráter e origens da filosofia no em seu primeiro tempo.Felipe Luiz - 2020 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 36 (1).
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  39. Mercado, igualdad y libertad en las democracias modernas.Felipe Mansilla - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 81:131-136.
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    Identificación de fuentes armónicas con la técnica de estimación de estado y filtro de Kalman.Jorge Mario Ruíz Vallejo, Ortíz Quintero, Francisco Hernando & Carlos Alberto Ríos Porras - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    L'exposition et le spectacle du VIIe centenaire de la naissance de Jean Tauler à Strasbourg.Rémy Vallejo - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 75 (4):479-486.
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  42. No, it's not a Fiction.A. Vallejo - 1997 - In T. Calvo & L. Brisson, Interpreting the Timaeus-Critias: Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 141--8.
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  43. Nicole y Émile, del uno al otro: el desafío del ser.Nelson Vallejo-Gómez - 2008 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 20 (2):319-330.
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    Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): A message from Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue's editors.Elvira Perez Vallejos, Liz Dowthwaite, Pepita Barnard & Ben Coomber - 2023 - Journal of Responsible Technology 14 (C):100059.
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    Kant and the Inquisitor. The hypothetical recourse to God from moral conscience.Miguel González Vallejos - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (3):565-584.
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  46. Gabriel Vacariu (2023) Bibliography 2023-2007.Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
  47. Is God the Best Explanation of Things?: A Dialogue.Felipe Leon & Joshua Rasmussen - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides an up to date, high-level exchange on God in a uniquely productive style. Readers witness a contemporary version of a classic debate, as two professional philosophers seek to learn from each other while making their cases for their distinct positions. In their dialogue, Joshua Rasmussen and Felipe Leon examine classical and cutting-edge arguments for and against a theistic explanation of general features of reality. The book also provides original lines of thought based on the authors’ own (...)
  48. (April 2019) Gabriel Vacariu “Why so many people (from so many countries/domains/on so many topics) have already plagiarized my ideas?”.Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    Since 2015, incredible many have published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas published between 2002-2008!!! There were others who published UNBELIEVABLE similar ideas to my ideas even earlier (since 2008, in general), but the number has an incredible jump after 2014. Why? In 2014, I have sent emails to thousands of people (many countries, many domains (Physics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science)) regarding the UNBELIEVABLE similarities between my ideas (2002-2008) and Markus Gabriel’s ideas (his book from 2013). Is it this (...)
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  49. (2022) Gabriel Vacariu - "MEMORIU: De ce am avut si am cea mai slaba promovare daca am cel mai bun CV din facultate?".Gabriel Vacariu - manuscript
    Mentionez ca, in raport cu colegii mei, la acest departament si facultate, eu am avut am avut cea mai slaba promovarea de-a lungul carierei mele, desi CVul meu a fost, inca de la inceput, cel mai bun raportat la cei din generatia mea sau apropiati de generatia mea. La ora actuala, raportat la criteriile INTERNATIONALE, CVul meu este cel mai bun de la aceasta facultate.
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    Kant y la condición humana.Miguel Ángel González Vallejos - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):123-142.
    El artículo analiza el concepto de mal radical de Kant y sostiene que su explicación del mal utiliza un modelo reconstructivo que niega la atribución de los modelos de adicción o del mal hábito. Se critica la tesis de la “revolución en la disposición moral fundamental”, primero, porque Kant abandona el método fenomenológico-trascen- dental y, segundo, por el carácter semipelagiano de su argumentación.
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